A Virtual Exhibition 'Imre Madách's Drama Reflected in Illustrations and Translations'

The masterpiece of Imre Madách is not only one of the most popular stage classics in Hungary but the most well-known Hungarian play in other countries as well. Several dozens of its translations are known both in world languages and in minor languages. Moreover, this is such a literary work that has inspired generations of illustrators, painters, scenic-designers over and over again for 140 years. This electronic exhibition aims at showing the most magnificent pieces of these translations and works of art inspired by the Tragedy.

You are welcome to visit this collection!

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The exhibition was supported by a Ministry of Informatics and Communication - ITP2 grant won in 2003 by the Association for the Hungarian Electronic Library (MEK) and the contributors of the Fine Arts in Hungary virtual exhibition.
© Dr. Károly Kokas & Margit Tóth. , Szeged 2004